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The Bujinkan Dojo 武神館道場 , or"Warrior God Training Hall," was organized in the early 1970's by Hatsumi Masaaki Sensei. This organization is comprised of nine distinct schools of ancient Japanese martial arts, with traceable histories from the ninth century and earlier. Hatsumi Sensei inherited these ryu ha from his teacher, the late Takamatsu Toshitsugu in 1972. The nine schools of the Bujinkan are listed below:

- Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu - Founded by Daisuke Nishina in the Late 1100's     
- Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu - Founded by TozawaHakunsai in the Mid 1100's     
- Kukishinden Ryu Happo Hikenjutsu - Founded by Izumo Kanja Yoshiteru in the Mid 1300's     
- Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu - Founded by Izumo Kanja Yoshiteru in the Early 1100's
- Gyokushin Ryu Ninjutsu - Founded by Sasaki Goemon Teruyoshi in the Mid 1500's 
- Koto Ryu Koppojutsu - Founded by Sakagami Taro Kunishige in the Mid 1500's     
- Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu - Founded by Uryu Hangan Gikanbo in the Mid 1500's     
- Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu - Founded by Takagi Oriuemon Shigenobu in the Mid 1600's 
- Kumogakure Ryu Ninjutsu - Founded by Iga Heinaizaemon No Jo Ienaga in the Mid 1500's

The Bujinkan martial arts emphasizes natural and relaxed body movement to generate power. Taijutsu (unarmed) "body skill" uses the entire body in a natural way to harmonize and amplify simple movements, rather than relying solely on brute force or speed. The subtle destruction of the attacker's balance and rhythm and proper control of distance and timing are the primary focus of Bujinkan Taijutsu. These principles allow even smaller persons to effectively defeat larger and more powerful opponents. The fighting skills of the Bujinkan Dojo were tested exhaustively in combat by the legendary ninja and samurai of Warring States Japan.

The International Bujinkan Dojo is directly supervised by Hatsumi Massaki Soke. Presently,Hatsumi Sensei still lives and trains in Noda City, Japan. Hatsumi Sensei is recognized as one of the premiere martial artists of today and is well known worldwide. The Bujinkan Dojo is truly international, with hundreds of Bujinkan schools and training groups scattered about the globe.


The mission of the Bonn Bujinkan Dojo is to sincerely study the martial arts of Hatsumi Sensei's Bujinkan Dojo. We strive to accurately transmit the teachings of Soke Hatsumi's taiden 体伝 (physical transmissions), shoden 書伝 (written transmissions), and kuden 口伝 (oral transmissions).  Our focus is the use of traditional kata and waza as a basis for the study of goshinjutsu (the skills of self protection).  This means both studying the forms as they were taught in the past as well as integrating them into modern situations and applications. 

Training is both interactive and individual. Classes include breakfalls and rolls (ukemi), unarmed techniques (taijutsu), and traditional weapons (buki).  Bujinkan integrates striking and kicking, throwing and grappling, and a variety of traditional weapons. Students of all levels train together with a goal of personal growth through training.  With this mindset practitioners pursue the warrior spirit and development of fudoshin 不動心, a mind and spirit balanced with equanimity. 


Chris Acklen (10th dan, Shihan) began studying martial arts at age 13. He practiced various martial arts throughout high school, including Kung Fu, Karate, and Boxing. The training was valuable and fun, but none were his martial arts home.
In 2008, he found the UA-Huntsville Bujinkan dojo in Huntsville, Alabama under the guidance of Dr. Leland Cseke. Bujinkan was a fit, and Chris has continued to train regularly since then.

Chris travelled to Japan for the first time in 2015 and passed the 5th dan sakki test under Noguchi Dai Shihan. He now makes annual trips to train at the Honbu dojo and with his teacher Nagase Hiroshi Dai Shihan in Nagareyama, Chiba-Ken Japan. He also travels to Michigan to train with his teacher Michael Asuncion Dai Shihan and the Michigan Bujinkan dojo. Our dojo is a Nagase Shibu dojo.


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